


A highly effective form of healing through touch, that promotes relaxation and the body’s natural ability to heal itself.

Shiatsu has its origins thousands of years ago in the traditional medicine of China and Japan. More recently Shiatsu was formalized to include an understanding of the body from a Western perspective and is recognized by The Ministry of Health and Welfare in Japan as a valuable adjunct medical treatment and is now quite widely practiced internationally.

The receiver is supported to become more aware of their body/mind as an integrated whole, becoming aware of areas of tension or weakness on either a physical or emotional level. Through this process healing occurs from the inside.

Shiatsu shares much of its background theory with acupuncture and like acupuncture, Shiatsu stimulates the body’s vital energy.*

*(Ki in the Japanese, pronounced like Key. Qi in Chinese language; pronounced Chee)

Shiatsu treatments are calming and relaxing in nature, yet dynamic in effect.

Shiatsu employs comfortable pressure instead of needles.

Stretches, rocking movements and other techniques are incorporated.

The body/mind begins to relax, flow is restored, allowing the organism as a whole to realign and self-repair.  The origin of the word ‘heal” is “whole”; being more in touch promotes better health and wellness. 



Who can benefit from Shiatsu?

Since this approach is working with the whole person, rather than simply focusing on conditions, most people, ill or healthy, and of all ages from babies to the elderly, can benefit from receiving Shiatsu.

Shiatsu is extremely useful in enhancing health and vitality and many people use it as part of a stress-management or preventative health care program.  Shiatsu is also excellent if you are feeling unwell but are suffering from no known medical condition.  You do not have to be sick to benefit from Shiatsu, nor is it necessary to have a name for your condition.

People come to Shiatsu for all kinds of reasons and they may come with specific ailments ranging from the acute to the more chronic.

• neck and back pain and tension, postural issues 

• menstrual difficulties

• skin disorders

• digestive problems 

• migraines and other headaches

• psychological issues such as stress, anxiety, depression 

Often people will seek out Shiatsu during major times of change like adolescence, infertility, pregnancy, the menopause and adjusting to later life.  

How many treatments will I need?

This varies greatly from person to person.  Often some good effects are felt after just one treatment, however a series of treatments may be needed to create lasting change in the condition. Typically, a client may choose to visit weekly, until a consistent improvement is reached, progressing to monthly intervals.

After a course of treatment is over, you may still choose to come regularly to maintain good health.

What if I am taking medication?

Shiatsu does not interfere with any medication – in fact it can complement any conventional medical treatment you may be receiving.  Shiatsu will assist the healing process by its overall strengthening effect, improving the circulation of energy, blood and lymph, and reducing stress.

Qi Gong (Chi Kung) Mindful Movement Practice

Based on the same principles as Tai Chi, Qi Gong is an amazing energy exercise, that will benefit anyone, at any age or stage of life.

Qi Gong is movement and meditation combined and, in over twenty-five years of practice, is the most effective method I have encountered, to promote proper breathing.

Full and free breathing is fundamental to health since oxygen is the essential fuel of all the cells and tissues of the body. The gentle movements and visualizations employed in the practice of Qi Gong promote relaxation and mind-body integration.

Year round drop-in group Qigong practice in Victoria Park, Tuesday and Thursday mornings, 9-10 a.m.  All, including beginners, are welcome. 

Current studies show that soft, slow-moving, meditative “internal” exercise, like Qi Gong, can be more effective for cardio-vascular health than “external” (working out) forms of exercise which focus on elevating heart rate and working the heart muscle, precisely because relaxation opens up the pathways that allow the heart and lungs to move oxygen laden blood throughout the entire system.

Qi Gong combines perfectly with Shiatsu to form a practice for building high level wellness at any stage of life.