Extensive Health Benefits Put Qigong on the Map

  Practicing Qigong is also a good way to lose weight! Qigong/chi kung offers many health benefits in managing weight: not only is qigong/chi kung ideal for treating diabetes and other problems in obesity, but there are also many types of medical qigong/chi kung that are designed specifically for managing weight. Because qigong/chi kung combinesContinue reading “Extensive Health Benefits Put Qigong on the Map”

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Slow Movement with Awareness: Better Than Exercise?

IMPORTANT EVIDENCE BASED INFORMATION: Gentle movement is as effective in health and well-being stability as hard exercise. Example from the article – “12 weeks of Tai Chi has been shown to relieve the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, including less pain and stress, more body awareness. http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/body-sense/201007/slow-movement-awareness-better-exercise

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Effects of Qigong Exercise on Fatigue, Anxiety, and Depressive Symptoms…

…of Patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome-like illness: A Randomized Controlled Trial Effects of Qigong Exercise on Fatigue, Anxiety, and Depressive Symptoms of Patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome-Like Illness: A Randomized Controlled Trial.

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Centre Yourself First in Wholeness

Originally posted on Endless Light and Love:
Centre Yourself on Wholeness If all the scientists, analysts, and theorists disappeared today, Not one part of truth would be lost. If all the judges,lawyers, priests, holymen and prosecutors disappeared, Not one part of morality would be lost. If all the investors, speculators, bankers and brokers disappeared, not…

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Beautiful day

“The most powerful therapeutic option any clinician has is the ability to give patients the confidence to realize they can get better; a positive mind set and the belief of future wellness is the single most important factor in improved outcomes and healing for most out-patient healthcare scenarios.  Whether through actual therapeutic effect or placebo, asContinue reading “Beautiful day”

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Ancient Theory ~ Modern Practice

Shiatsu is a highly effective and adaptable form of massage, requiring no removal of clothing or use of oils. By restoring internal harmony, it seeks to treat not only your troublesome symptoms, but also addresses the underlying cause of imbalance or disease. Robin is a gifted professional who has extraordinary command of his craft from diagnosis toContinue reading “Ancient Theory ~ Modern Practice”

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